How to Fix Err_Internet_Disconnected


In today’s fast-growing world the internet has become a basic necessity for every individual. It is the solution for almost everything. But like all the other things even the internet isn’t perfect. While trying to use the internet we face many errors and one of the most common error messages that pops up is “ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED”.

This error appears frequently and is the reason behind frustration among many users. Usually whenever this error message appears the user is not able to connect to that particular website. For fixing this error rather than needing the outcome we need the why behind it.

Why does Err_Internet_Disconnected Appear?

Well, there are several underlying reasons behind it. For example, the third-party antivirus or the firewall might be blocking your internet connection. Or maybe the automatically changing Local Area Network Settings is behind it. Sometimes even your browser cookies and cache are behind it. Well, there are many underlying causes for this error but they can be verified and solved by using a few simple methods. Few of those methods are discussed in this article.

Method 1: Fix Local Area Network Settings

A Local Area Network or LAN is used to interconnect devices over a small scale. Its configuration can be changed automatically in your device which might result in internet connectivity errors. You can easily change these settings by following the steps given below:

STEP 1: At first, On your keyboard press the Windows key + X key. You will get a drop-down menu.

STEP 2: Afterwards, from the drop-down menu select and open the Control Panel.

(NOTE: If you are using versions other than Windows 10 you can get the control panel directly from the start menu.)

STEP 3: Now, navigate to and click on Internet options.

STEP 4: After opening up the Internet Options window, go to the top and look for the Connections tab and click on it.

STEP 5: Next, click on the LAN Settings option beneath the Connections tab.

STEP 6: Finally, uncheck every option in the LAN Settings and then apply the settings.

STEP 7: Check whether the issue is resolved.

Method 2: Clear Browsing Data

It is very important to clear your Browsing data from time to time as it helps in the smooth functioning of your device. While clearing your browser data make sure that you have selected all the options Browsing history, cookies, passwords, media licenses, etc. This will surely help you in fixing your error.

Some of the most commonly used browsers are Firefox and Google Chrome. Both these browsers have different steps for Clearing the Browsing Data.

Clear Browsing Data on Firefox

Make sure that you have followed the instructions given below step by step, for clearing your browsing data on Firefox:

STEP 1: At first, on your keyboard press the Ctrl + Shift + Del key.

STEP 2: Afterwards, you will see a new window containing many options

STEP 3: Select all the options and press the Clear now button.

STEP 4: Close the Browser and then Refresh.

Clear Browsing Data on Google Chrome

Make sure that you have followed the instructions given below step by step, for clearing your browsing data on Google Chrome:

STEP 1: Firstly, Go to the address bar situated at the top.

STEP 2: Next, inside the address bar type chrome://history.

STEP 3: Next, press on the Clear Browsing button.

STEP 4: Afterwards, you will see a new window containing many options

STEP 5: Select all the options and press the Clear Browsing button.

STEP 6: Close the Browser and then Refresh.

Method 3: Reinstalling Antivirus

Usually, some overprotective third-party antivirus or firewalls block access to the internet, this might lead to your ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED error. For fixing this follow the steps written below:

STEP 1: At first, On your keyboard press the Windows key + X key. You will get a drop-down menu.

STEP 2: Afterwards, from the drop-down menu select and open the Control Panel.

STEP 3: Next, Inside the control panel navigates to and select the Programs and Features option.

STEP 4: Next, click on the Uninstall a program option to uninstall your antivirus.

STEP 5: At last, open your Browser and Re-fresh.

Method 4: Delete WLAN Profiles (Wireless Profiles)

Sometimes when you can not connect to your internet, you should try deleting your existing WLAN profiles, and then you can connect to the new network again. For deleting your WLAN profiles go thoroughly through the instructions given below:

STEP 1: At first, for using the administrative privileges, press the Windows key + X key.

STEP 2: Afterwards, select the Command prompt option.

STEP 3: After opening the Command prompt check for all the existing wireless profiles by typing the command

“netsh WLAN show profiles”.

STEP 4: Now, you have to delete all the existing profiles, for doing this type the command “netsh WLAN delete profile name = “[PROFILE NAME]”

STEP 5: Repeat step number four individually for every profile.

STEP 6: At last, reconnect to only your WiFi.


In Conclusion, the “ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED” is the source of frustration among many users regardless of the browser they are using and this impacts the user’s experience. This error is not one that occurs rarely, it has been reported by several individuals and that too at multiple instances. We belong to the generation that likes to get the work done instantly, imagine the horror when you are slowed down by a minute error. For every user’s relief, this error can be easily dealt with by using some simple methods.

In this article, we have discussed four easy and reliable methods to fix the “ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED” error. If you are someone who’s looking for a solution to this error. We hope that from this article you have found the answer you were looking for. The provided methods are surely effective enough and easily implementable.


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